D2 Productions Depend on Hitachi Cameras

BY DAMON MOVITZ , Managing Partner
and DAVID WALZER, General Partner
D2 Productions

MARLBOROUGH, MASS.—D2 Productions began operations in 2008 as a full service production company specializing in the live streaming event production, with strong specialization in multicamera sports, education, concerts, corporate event production. We offer a wide array of services, including single and multicamera field production, post-production from our edit suites, live and on-demand streaming media services, along with a fully equipped production studio in our Marlborough facility.
During the past two years, we’ve expanded into full mobile production, offering an extensive array of live and live-to-tape field video production services with our mobile HD production units, “Genesis” and “Zeppelin,” as well as other multicamera and single camera high-definition production systems. We have a full range of mobile production for exterior shoots and rackmounted equipment for locations where a production truck isn’t feasible.

When we decided to get into the mobile production truck business, we knew that we had to have equipment that would stand up to the multiple challenges presented in non-studio environments. We also wanted gear with good that would allow us to maintain our high production values and equipment that was user-friendly when it came to setup and operation.
For us, Hitachi stood out with strong performing image quality, build solid, and with controls and buttons where a cameraman wants them to be. We have been impressed since the day we launched “Genesis,” our first mobile vehicle.

With our truck constantly on the go, when we pull out the gear, shoot the event, pack them up —and often times, in extreme weather conditions—and the same, day-in and day-out, our cameras have to perform. And our Hitachi cameras have held up very well under these extreme circumstances, heat, humidity and moisture.

With our second truck “Zeppelin” we now have a 40-foot production facility and we have again selected Hitachi cameras. Both trucks have the same complement of five Hitachi Z-HD5000’s with CU-HD500 CCU’s operating with SMPTE fiber and RU-1000VR RCU’s. Each truck also carries four Hitachi HDF-700H studio viewfinders and three VF-402 ENG viewfinders.

We’ve been pleased by the camera’s performance, quality and ability to “take the heat.” We have also experienced from Hitachi the same “high-touch” experience that we see ourselves providing to our customers. We associate the cameras with the people at Hitachi. When we’re able to associate the camera with its people, this lends a level of confidence because we know there are people standing behind their product.
The Hitachi brand is extremely well represented by the people there and it’s not a faceless brand like so many others; we associate our cameras with the personalities of the technical and sales people who stand behind them. We couldn’t be happier with how Hitachi cameras have integrated into our productions and how the Hitachi team has been there to make sure that integration has been smooth.

Hitachi cameras roll out real easy, and Hitachi team members are there to make sure that everything comes out okay. At D2, we have an uncommon belief in a thing called respect—respect for you, and for your bottom line. Hitachi is a good fit for us.

David Walzer is general partner of D2 Productions and Damon Movitz is managing partner of the company. They may be contacted through info@d2productions.com.

For additional information, contact Hitachi Kokusai America at 516-682-4431 or visit www.hitachikokusai.us


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